Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Final week! D:

This week's posts have been sparse because I've been slaving away making the showreels for our degree show. A quick re-cap of the first half is as follows:

Monday - gave my presentation, which I think went quite well. I had prepared a nice slideshow and covered all the bases I think. After that I collected some stray submissions for the showreel before going home and proceeding to build the short version. Problems ensued with a virus from somebody's pendrive and After Effects being a bit difficult.

Tuesday - printed the dissertation, rendered the short showreel and made a start on the longer show reel. After discussing matters with the group I decided to split the longer showreel according to group - ie CA, VC and CSP in their own chapters, and within those the work was grouped in alphabetical order by surname. Had to switch to a different video editor, since the one I usually use was refusing a lot of the files - naturally this delayed things further.

Wednesday - Jody burnt the short showreel to a DVD and it was well received at the final degree show meeting. Got my dissertation bound and submitted (phew!) then went home to continue making the long show reel. I also re-rendered the short showreel to put online - I fixed a spelling mistake and added Virgin Media as a sponsor, since they have agreed to display our short showreel in the Overgate. I aim to have the long footage ready to give to David tomorrow, for putting on the DVD.

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